해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Anime Blanket Life is Better with Anime Gaming Blanket Anime Gift for Women Girls Lightweight Soft Flannel Fleece Throw Blankets for Couch Bed Sofa Anime Decor Small-Kid (50"X40")

상품번호 B0C893LCLK
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Brand: Lokesvararaja
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.99
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【CREATIVE & PERSONALIZED PATTERNS】Cartoons unique prints blanket with bright beautiful colors, gorgeous appearance.Because of the 3D printing technology, the color will not fade even for a long time.It will be the perfect casual blanket and gift to make you feel value for money.【SOFT & DURABLE】Made of high quality flannel fabric, light weight and good quality. Available for all four seasons, you won\'t miss to feel its softness and comfort. All layers of our throw blanket are made of double-sided flannel, which ensures the durability of this blanket. With this blanket you will have beautiful, cute, fashionable, warm and practical at the same time.【MULTIPLE USES】The fluffy hooded blankets with Realistic print can be used as gift blankets,sofa blanket,bed blanket,picnic blanket,travel blanket,outdoor blanket.You may use the plush blanket in your living room, bedroom, kids’s room, cozy up in the couch enjoy favorite movie.The sherpa throw blankets is suitable for all seasons, and you can carry it anywhere.【SIZE FITS EVERYONE】There are 5 sizes to choose from:40"X30" XSmall for Pets,50"X40" Small for Kid,60"X50" Medium for Teen, 80"X60" Large for Adult,120"X90" Extra Large for Family.You can choose according to your needs and preferences.Fits into any room in the bedroom, guest room, kid’s room, vacation home, living room or take it along for RV trips.【EASY CLEANING】Machine wash in cold water, or dry at low temperature if necessary, but please do not use bleach. To prevent wear and tear, it is recommended to wash the wool separately or together with other wool blankets. If you feel the need to wash it after using it for a long time, you can just throw the blanket into the washing machine and go rest and entertain!

2024-10-01 22:59:46

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