해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Unicorn Gifts for Girls, Adorable Initial & Heart Necklace for Birthdays & Christmas. Comes in a Beautiful Jewelry Gift Box.

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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Girls
브랜드 Brand: Rucher
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $18.99
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Introducing our Rucher Unicorn Necklace - the perfect personalized gift for little girls and young women! Our necklace is not just a piece of jewelry, it\'s a symbol of love, friendship, and the magical world of unicorns. It is an ideal birthday gift for unicorn enthusiasts, but also a touching Christmas and Valentines Day present. This beautifully crafted necklace features a lovable unicorn pendant, adorned with colorful crystals capturing the enchanting world of fairy tales. The necklace also includes a heart pendant, an emblem of love and affection, and an initial pendant, allowing you to personalize this gift and make it truly unique. Its 18k gold chain ensures durability and longevity, while the silver or gold unicorn pendant adds a touch of elegance and charm. Our unicorn necklace is suitable gifts for girls aged 8-12, and even for young women who cherish their inner child. It is a perfect piece of dress-up jewelry, and a stunning accessory that will complement any outfit. The necklace comes in a beautifully designed gift box, ready to bring joy and excitement to your little ones. It is also an excellent choice for unicorn birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, or Valentines Day gifts for kids, and even as a special treat for yourself. Bring a touch of magic into your life with our beautiful unicorn heart necklace. Let this symbol of purity and grace inspire you and your loved ones. Remember, unicorns may be mythical creatures, but the joy they bring is very real.

2024-04-04 19:08:19

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