해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Adjustable Multi Purpose Passenger Driver Backrest Sissy Bar Compatible with 2014-2024 Indian Chieftain, Dark Horse, Vintage, Challenger, Springfield Models Black

상품번호 B0C8H9JJVH
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상품가격 $259.99
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【Fitment】: Fit Indian Hard Saddlebag 2014-2024 models (Except chief, super chief, Scout & FTR Models). Fit for 2020-2024 Indian Challenger. Fit for 2014-2024 Indian Chieftain, 2017-2024 Chieftain Limited, 2016-2024 Chieftain Dark Horse, 2022-2023 Chieftain Dark Horse Icon. Fit for 2016-2024 Indian Springfield, 2018-2024 Springfield Dark Horse. Fit for 2015-2024 Roadmaster. Fit for 2020-2021 Indian Vintage etc. NOTE: Do not fit with Trunk and Trunk base. Not fit with Premium Package.【Specifications】: Color: Matte Black. Backrest Adjustable Height Range: 9 gears & 5". Pad Adjustable Height Range: 4". Driver Backrest Height Range: 14"-18". Passenger Backrest Height Range: 22"-31". Pad Dimensions: 13" x 7.5" x 2". Luggage Rack Dimensions: 8.2"x 7". The self-contained Luggage rack design allows for carrying cargo, adding convenience and utility to long rides. It also allows installing the Hard Saddlebag so you don\'t need to buy additional spool.【High Performance】: Constructed with high-quality Solid Steel & Aluminum, it is high strength and deformation resistance. Our backrests pass strict quality testing before conducting on the market and provides long-lasting use and withstand everyday wear and tear. The entire backrest height including the pad can be adjusted to the best position, helping reduce muscle fatigue and soreness and bringing you and your passengers maximum comfort.【Installation】: The installation only needs to use the factory screws to install directly behind the passenger seat. Screw specification: M8 X 1.25 X 38 ( Part Number :7520937)【Package Including】: Passenger Driver Backrest with Luggage Rack and Mount Kit (Do not include the Screws)
Fitment: Not fit with Premium Package, Not fit with Trunk and Trunk base Fit 2020-2024 Indian Challenger Fit 2022-2024 Indian Challenger Elite Fit 2020-2024 Indian Challenger Limited Fit 2020-2024 Indian Challenger Dark Horse Fit 2022-2023 Indian Challenger Dark Horse Icon Fit 2022 Indian Challenger Limited Edition Fit 2015-2024 Roadmaster Fit 2021-2024 Roadmaster Limited Fit 2020-2024 Roadmaster Dark Horse Fit 2020, 2018 Roadmaster Elite Fit 2017-2018 Roadmaster Classic Fit 2016-2024 Indian Springfield Fit 2018-2024 Indian Springfield Dark Horse Fit 2020-2021 Indian Vintage Fit 2021 Indian Vintage Dark Horse Fit 2014-2024 Chieftain Fit 2017-2018,2020-2023 Chieftain Elite Fit 2018-2020 Chieftain Classic Fit 2017-2024 Chieftain Limited Fit 2016-2024 Chieftain Dark Horse Fit 2022-2023 Chieftain Dark Horse Icon Fit 2023 Indian Pursuit Elite Fit 2022-2024 Indian Pursuit Limited Fit 2022-2024 Indian Pursuit Dark Horse Please check the following fitment before purchasing Specifications: The entire backrest is designed in matte black with a Luggage rack It supports the conversion of the passenger backrest and driver backrest, providing different uses and more convenience Crafted from premium quality materials, this product is sturdy, durable and built to last Package Included: Passenger Driver Backrest with Luggage Rack and Mount Kit (Do not include the Screws)

2024-07-09 11:56:44

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