해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EGF Boost Ampoule

상품번호 B0C8M9VLGK
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상품가격 $49.20
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PATENTED PEPTIDE COMPLEX: Formulated with Groundbreaking EGF, Epidermal Growth Factor, Complex is a type of peptide that helps to encourage cell turnover period and production of collagen and elastin in skin for firmness and radiance.SKIN REJUVENATION AND STIMULATION FORMULA: Peptide Complex and Amino Acids are complimentary premium formulation for EGF Complex to maximize anti-aging potency for 3D plumping and lifting.ANTI-AGING BURST: Nutrient-rich and balanced hydration technology infused with Adenosine, a known science-backed ingredient for improving glabellar frown lines and crow\'s feet.HOW TO USE: First, cleanse thoroughly and tone. Use two to three drops of EGF Boost Ampoule directly on the face or into hands and gently press onto skin. Wait until ampoule is fully absorbed and add a moisturizer. Recommended to use sunscreen in daytime. Use twice daily.0.000 SKIN IRRITABILITY VERIFIED.

2024-09-06 14:52:44

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