해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 in 1 Ghillie Suit, 3D Camouflage Hunting Apparel Including Jacket, Pants, Hood, Carry Bag and Camo Tapes

상품번호 B0C8MKPYB2
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상품가격 $29.99
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Breathable and Comfortable Fabrics: SOROVEE ghillie suit is made of high-quality polyester lining and polypropylene yarn for durability. The 7-color blended thread is perfect for forest and woodland environments and blends in with the environment. The reinforced stitching method can effectively prevent the yarn from falling off the clothes.6 in 1 Ghillie Suit: SOROVEE Gilly suit includes 1 x hood, 1 x jacket, 1 x pants, 1 x camouflage strap, 1 x camouflage tape (14.5\' after stretching), 1 x storage bag (with drawstring, portable and durable). Tip: 1. When not in use, turn the ghillie suit inside out for easy storage. 2. Hand wash in warm water and line dry, don\'t bleach or iron.3 Sizes for Chose: Small for Kids: Adjustable Waist: 28.4”-39.4”; Pant Length: 31.5”; Chest Size: 34.7”; Sleeve Length: 22.1”; Jacket Length: 14.4”; M/L for Adults: Adjustable Waist: 28.35”-48.03”; Pant Length: 43.31”; Chest Size: 51.18”; Sleeve Length: 33.86”; Jacket Length: 30.17”; XL/XXL for Adults: Adjustable Waist: 33.86”-51.18”; Pant Length: 45.28”; Chest Size: 57.48”; Sleeve Length: 40.16”; Jacket Length: 35.83”. Elastic design, suitable for both men and women.Easy to Wear & Take Off: Gilly suit with elastic straps at the waist and trousers location, jackets with snap buttons for easy wearing. Mesh on the hood for easy viewing and breathing. Wrap the elastic band around your gun for easier concealment. It comes with one camo tape wrapped around the scope. With this ghillie suit, you can hide everything easily.Widely Application: SOROVEE ghillie suit is designed for males, females, and kids. The unique color matching of the Gillie sniper suit makes you blend in with the surrounding environment. It can be used for hunting, tracking, shooting, paintball, surveillance, wildlife photography, kids\' play dens, woodland games, film sets, and more, as well as dress up for Halloween costume play. The bush costume is an essential outfit, especially for hunters or animal photographers.

2024-09-05 07:22:56

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