해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MEISHANG Cotton Sheets Queen Size - 100% Cotton 600 Thread Count Sheets, Soft Breathable Cooling Sateen Egyptian Cotton Bed Sheets with Deep Pocket, 4 Pieces Set White

상품번호 B0C8N6XBJ3
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상품가격 $46.99
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SLEEP CLEAN AND GREEN : These queen size cotton sheets are made from 100% egyptian cotton with a rich sateen weave for ultimate softness and comfort. With an OEKO-TEX certification for chemical safety, rest assured that our bedding is free from harmful substances, supports a healthy sleep environment, and offers a long lifespan.SILKY SOFT YET SHEEN : 600 thread count cotton sheets are the perfect combination of comfort and luxury, the sateen weave brings a slight sheen to your room, these sheets are medium weight and drape beautifully on the bed;BREATHABLE SWEAT LESS : Pure cotton is gentle on your skin. The 100% organic cotton queen sheets are naturally soft, smooth, cool and breathable, providing you with a cozy and dry night\'s sleep all year round;DURABLE EASY CARE: Easy to wash and maintain, reactive printing and dyeing won\'t pill, fade or shrink, gets softer after washing.Cotton sheets queen size set includes flat sheet (90"x102"), fitted sheet with full elastic with 16 inch deep pockets (60"x80") & two pillow cases (20"x30");Meishang Cotton Sheets:Soft and comfortable cotton sheets is the best choice for your gift. Whether it is your lover, family, friends; Would be the most appropriate gift;

2024-10-02 16:22:29

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