해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ProCase Jewelry Box Organizer Valentine's Day Gifts for Women Girls, Upgraded Jewelry Case with 8 Extra Tarnish Free Bags, PU Leather Jewellery Holder Storage Container for Earrings Necklaces -Black

상품번호 B0C8NBH73X
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상품가격 $16.99
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✅ 8 Extra Tarnish Free Bags - Comes with 8 extra bags for earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces, keeping your jewelry from tangled and tarnished✅ Perfect Size - Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.7 x 3 inches, not too large or bulky, doesn\'t take up too much space on your table. It is perfect for everyday use or for travel if you want to take everything you have✅ Compact but Large Capacity - There are so many compartments perfectly placed into this box, everything can be organized. No more hunting for a matching earring, quick and easy access to jewelry in the morning✅ High Quality Material - Premium PU leather exterior and the fully lined interior adds a stylish look and provides better protection for your jewelry, making a beautiful display on the vanity or dresser. You will love how sleek and clean this jewelry boxes looks!✅ Perfect Gift Idea - ProCase jewelry boxes with fantastic look is an ideal gift for your better half, girlfriend, daughter, mother and friends in many kinds of festivals, such as Valentine\'s Day, Mother\'s day, Thanksgiving, Birthday, Christmas and etc.

2024-02-13 16:37:52

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