해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ANPABO 24V 4x4 Ride On Toy for Big Kids, 4x200W 5MPH Ride On Car w/Parent Remote, Wide Adjustable Seat, Headlights, Metal Frame, 4 Shock Absorbers, 4 Wheeler Quad for Kids 3-12, White

상품번호 B0C9D6H2B7
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상품가격 $369.99
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24V 4WD Buggy for Big Kids: Specially designed for big kids, this ride on truck is equipped with a 15.8x13.8" (LxW) spacious & adjustable seat, a max 130 lbs load capacity and a 3.1-4.5 mph speed range. The car is powered by a genuine 24V battery and driven by 4x200W drive motors, generating stable voltage and excellent power. It has 2-speed gears and 2WD and 4WD options, it\'s ideal for kids and teens who like to go on adventuresUnique Adjustable Seat: The seat can be adjusted back and forth with 3 different positions, with a 3.14" adjustable range to accommodate the child\'s height change and accompany the child to grow. Plus the padded seat and plenty of legroom allow your little one to sit comfortably and stretch his/her legs freelyIdeal for Off-Roading: In contrast to those plastic frames, the metal frame is far more robust and long-lasting. The 4 large spring suspensions and 14-inch wear-resistant wheels with a larger diameter are built for off-roading, providing better traction and more comfortable riding on a variety of terrains. Additionally, it can easily navigate uneven surfaces like gravel driveways and small mounds thanks to the high chassis designStylish with Fun Music: This 24v ride on is a great Christmas gift for parents who want to give their kids a unique and enjoyable driving experience. The cool bright headlights and wild shape increase the overall aesthetics. In addition to the music that comes with the car, the extra mobile connection is an added advantage, allowing kids to play their favorite music while cruising aroundSafe Parent Remote Control: This kid\'s electric car is equipped with a 2.4G remote control, enabling the parent to control the car if their little one is too young to drive. There is an emergency P button on the remote, so you can control it to stop or divert your little ones from potential danger. The kiddo can also control the vehicle using the steering wheel and foot pedalFront Handle for Easy Dragging: A battery indicator on the music board will remind you to charge the car in time. And even if the battery runs out of power, the parents can easily tow this car home using the front handle. Note: Turn the power switch to the off position before dragging

2025-01-12 01:39:36

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