해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Elviros 4 Inch Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper King Size, Cooling Firm Bed Topper for Back Pain, 7-Zone Mattress Pad with Adjustable Hardness & Removable Cover (King, Dark Grey)

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상품가격 $209.99
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【2-in-1 Firmness Design, Choose as You Wish】Elviros 4 inch mattress topper combines two levels of firmness innovatively, addressing various issues related to unsuitable mattress hardness. The blue soft layer features a cooling gel-infused memory foam, conforming to your body curves, evenly distributing pressure points, and relieving body pain. The gray firm layer offers a high-density support foam, providing strong support to maintain your spine in its natural alignment.【Ergonomic 7-Zone Construction, Caring for Every Inch of Your Body】Designed with pressure reducing grooves and contoured support side holes in seven sleeping zones, the memory foam mattress topper provides targeted support and pressure relief for different parts of your body: head & neck, shoulder, lumbar vertebrae, hips, thighs, knees, and feet. This structure improves your sleep quality and prevents shoulder / back / hips pain regardless of your sleeping position.【Enhanced Breathability & Cooling Temperature Regulation, Sleep Soundly All Night】The airflow channels distributed in foam core and breathable side mesh increase air circulation, boosting breathability and heat dissipation. Together with the washable skin-friendly mattress cover (44% ice silk + 71% polyester) and the cooling gel-infused layer, it offers a cool touch, avoids overheating during sleep, and keeps a balanced temperature for a better night\'s sleep.【Upgraded Anti-Slip Design, Enjoy a Peaceful Night】 The bottom of our 4 inch bed topper features a unique rhombus pattern surface to increase contact area, providing superior anti-slip effect compared to regular silicone particles. The 20cm wider adjustable straps ensure that the mattress pad stays in place, even with significant movement.【Quality Assurance & Customer Service】We offer a 10-Year Warranty for Quality-Related Issues. Should you have any issues, our professional customer service team is ready to provide the most satisfying solution at any time. Please note that due to vacuum compression, WAIT FOR 48 HOURS after unpacking for the topper to fully expand. Also, as a freshly manufactured product, it may carry a slight harmless odor which typically dissipates within 2-18 days.

2024-02-13 13:56:06

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