해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NUTRIUPS Round Glass Casserole Dish Set, Glass Casseroles Cookware with Glass Lid, Glass Casserole Dish With Lid(Set of 3-0.65L+1L+1.4L)

상품번호 B0C9GP2X9G
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상품가격 $37.99
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【Made from tempered glass】-The NUTRIUPS Round Glass Casserole Dish Set is made from durable tempered glass that can withstand temperatures between 482° F and -40° F without worrying about thermal shock breaking it. It is safe to use in the oven and even in an air fryer. The non-porous surface of the glass does not absorb food odors, flavors, or stains, ensuring that your dishes always taste fresh.【Convenient Glass Lid】 - The glass casserole dishes come with a transparent glass lid that allows you to monitor the cooking process without having to lift the lid. The lid also helps to keep the food warm and prevents it from drying out.【Save Your Space】 NUTRIUPS Round Glass Casserole Dish Set has a flat top design that allows you to stack multiple dishes on top of each other in the fridge or cabinet. This innovative design is space-saving and convenient for those with limited storage space. Say goodbye to cluttered cabinets and hello to organized storage!【Set of 3 Sizes】 - This Round Glass Casserole Dish Set includes three different sizes: 0.65L, 1L, and 1.4L. This provides you with options to cook and serve different quantities of food for various occasions, whether it\'s a small family dinner or a large gathering.【Versatile cooking options】The round shape and generous capacity make it ideal for preparing a variety of dishes, from casseroles, veggies, manicotti to desserts and side dishes.It is suitable for use in the oven, microwave, refrigerator, and freezer, providing convenience and flexibility in your kitchen.

2024-07-11 05:42:55

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