해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mini Pure Copper Steam Engine Model Educational Physics Science Experiment Toy Gift for Adults, Balance Type Engine Kit 4.7 x 2.9 x 4.6CM, Without Boiler

상품번호 B0C9J6LMCT
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Learning & Education
브랜드 Brand: Foxcokie
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $69.99
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Aluminum MaterialAppearance: The engine model is simple in shape, unique and exquisite appearance, realizing the dual combination of texture and beauty, very attractive.Operation: Connect the boiler by yourself (without boiler), add water to the boiler and heat the boiler, heat it for a few dozen seconds and then use your hand to pivot the steam engine flywheel to help.Ornaments: both collectible value, can be used as an ornament, but also can be directly hands-on experiments, simple and convenient. Physics experiment toys are perfect as gifts for your family and friends.Experiment: The engine model is a good physics science experiment toy. By getting hands-on with it, you can deepen your interest in learning physics by observing the whole model running process.Note: Be careful and meticulous when experimenting, and be careful not to get burned by the high temperature during the operation.
Tips from TechToySTORE: First of all, thank you for your browsing. 1、There are various styles of products, please confirm whether you choose the correct style. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 2、Block categories: tank blocks, house blocks, train blocks, sports car blocks, etc.; there are also game machines and Cosplay categories. 3、After-sales service: If there are any problems with the product (missing parts, lost packages, shipping damage, return or exchange products, etc.), please contact us to handle. We will provide free replacement parts and other services

2024-05-15 17:05:23

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