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Champion Power Equipment 4250-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Open Frame Inverter Generator with Quiet Technology

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상품가격 1,097.80
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ADVANCED DIGITAL HYBRID DESIGN: 50% quieter and 20% lighter than a traditional Champion 3500-watt generator, plus our Economy Mode feature saves fuel and extends engine lifeDUAL FUEL: This RV Ready inverter operates on gasoline or propane and has a 120V 30A RV, plus two 120V 20A household outlets and 12V DC outlet with dual USB adapterQUIET TECHNOLOGY: 64 dBA is great for RVs, tailgating, your next project or home backup, with 4250 starting watts and 3500 running watts for up to 22 hours run time on gasoline. Covered Circuit Breakers : YesPARALLEL READY: If you purchase the optional ParaLINK Parallel Kit, you can increase your power output by connecting up to two 3000-watt or higher inverter generatorsCHAMPION SUPPORT: Includes 3-year limited warranty with FREE lifetime technical support from dedicated experts
The Champion Power Equipment 4250-Watt Open Frame Inverter Generator is one of the most innovative products on the market. We cut the noise level in half by integrating Quiet Technology digital components used in more advanced inverters, and then we created an efficient mechanical design to decrease the overall footprint and weight by up to 20 percent. A quiet, lightweight addition to your RV and a cost-effective power solution, this Open Frame Inverter generator is smaller, quieter, lighterBETTER! Operate your Dual-Fuel generator on gasoline or propane, and easily switch fuels with a quick turn of the fuel selector dial. Using gasoline, the 224cc Champion engine produces 4250 starting watts and 3500 running watts, and will run for 22 hours at 25% load when the 4.0-gallon fuel tank is full. It produces 3825 starting watts and 3150 running watts, and will run for 14 hours at 25% load when using a 20-pound propane tank. This inverter has a 0.6-quart oil capacity and a low oil shut-off sensor, and operates at 64 dBA from 23 feet, which is a bit louder than normal speech. Confidently connect your sensitive electronics since our Open Frame Inverter produces only Clean Power (less than 3% THD). Our Quick Touch Panel offers fast access to controls, while Economy Mode monitors power consumption, and Cold Start Technology ensures a quick start in cold weather. The outlets in this RV Ready inverter include a 120V 30A RV (TT-30R), two 120V 20A household outlets (5-20R) and a 12V DC automotive-style outlet with a dual USB adapter included. Sold separately, the optional ParaLINK Parallel Kit, with included standard 50-amp RV outlet, allows you to increase output by connecting up to two 3000-watt or higher inverter generators. Buy this EPA certified and CARB compliant generator with confidence – Champion Support and our nationwide network of service centers will back up your purchase with a 3-year limited warranty and FREE lifetime technical support.

2024-07-10 15:58:57

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