해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Handmade Boho Vintage Teardrop Earrings Bohemian Hammered & Engraved Earrings Boho Antiqued Earrings Unique Antique Bronze Tribal Ethnic Teardrop Shaped Drop Dangle Earrings For Women Girls (Style 1)

상품번호 B0C9LM8XVN
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상품가격 $17.99
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design inspiration:This handmade earring is made of pure antique copper, presenting a vintage Bohemian style that exudes unique personal charm when worn. Not only that, it also has high practicality, allowing you to easily transition from day to night and showcase your style in different occasions.Ideal Gift:Handmade Boho Vintage Teardrop Earrings making them a perfect gift for any special woman in your life. Whether it\'s your mother, grandmother, daughter, niece, sister, wife, girlfriend, or any female friend, these earrings featuring the delicate and precious flower are sure to be cherished. Celebrate your love for that special someone or even treat yourself to a beautiful pair of earrings.Care Instructions:To care for your plated jewelry, it is recommended to clean it with a soft cloth or cotton ball after each use to remove any accumulated dust or dirt. Once cleaned, store it in a soft cloth or jewelry box to prevent scratches and damage.Each one is handmade and carefully crafted. Thank you for your support and we hope that our efforts will receive your recognition and satisfaction.
Handmade Boho Vintage Teardrop Earrings making them a perfect gift for any special woman in your life. Whether it\'s your mother, grandmother, daughter, niece, sister, wife, girlfriend, or any female friend, these earrings featuring the delicate and precious flower are sure to be cherished. Celebrate your love for that special someone or even treat yourself to a beautiful pair of earrings.

2024-04-04 20:04:07

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