해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DAREU A955 Lightweight Wireless Gaming Mouse with RGB Charging Dock: Tri-Mode 2.4G/USB-C/BT Mouse Up to 12K DPI Optical Sensor -KBS II Buttons Fully Programmable- 120 Hr Battery

상품번호 B0C9LVK21J
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상품가격 $59.99
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【Newest Design&RGB Light】A955 Tri-mode gaming mouse adopted newly designed transparent bottom with RGB lighting flowing effects makes mouse fashionable and cool.Features with 6 preset RGB backlit modes,Up to 16.8 million light colors for your choice,you can customize backlit effects via mouse or driver to create you fancy environment and light up your desk atmosphere.【Sensor&Tri-mode Connection】DAREU A955 gaming mouse adopt AIM-WL sensor,which provides 1:1 precise tracking with stable performance,even in full-speed performance it consumes only 2.3mA.Quicker than 98% competing wireless mice,give you true wireless freedom.Tri-mode connection (USB/2.4G/BT) supports wide ranges of mobile devices in both Win/Mac system, meet your needs in different conditions【KBS II Button&Customizable】DAREU KBS II switch adopt good mechanical design in POM material ,which aviod debounce delay and risk of unintend misclicks.Withstand more than 80 milion clicks,more durable than most mice.You can also customize keys, DPI(Max12000), macros, and the RGB light by the driver and button. Please get the programming software from the product manuals, or contact our customer service to get it.(Before downloading the programming driver ,Please download the unzip software and make sure the mouse is in wired mode.)【Charging Dock&Battery】The mouse is equipped with a magnetic suction charging base, Just place it on the charging dock and you\'ll have your wireless mouse always ready for action.Equipped with adjustable RGB lighting, making the desktop streamer and beautiful.Unlike other disposable batteries,we have included a long-lasting built-in battery,which provid 30 days of playtime in bluetooth mode,and it can be charged repeatedly. (Data from DAREU lab, based on continuous 4h of playtime/day).【PBT Button Design】Lightweight design, which assures more swift movement and better control in fierce gaming, and avoilds fatigue after long time use.Non-porous design prevents the infiltration of water and dust, making the mouse easier to clean and extending the life of it.PBT material buttons improves feelings on surface texture and won’t oil up even after long-term use.

2024-07-10 03:29:24

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