해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Umite Chef Mixing Bowls with Airtight Lids, 26Pcs Stainless Steel Bowls Set, 3 Grater Attachments & Black Non-Slip Bottoms Size 7, 4, 2.5, 2.0,1.5, 1QT, Great for Mixing & Serving

상품번호 B0C9LXHJ8T
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상품가격 $45.99
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AIRTIGHT LIDS & 3 GRATER ATTACHMENTS:The airtight lids that come with this mixing bowl set make it easy to store ingredients and leftovers without worrying about spills or leaks. 3.5qt had a removable lid inside the main lid, for adding contents or pairing it with your blender without removing the entire lid to prevent splash. This bowl set comes with 3 different grater attachments (slicing/grating/shredding) just shred or slice right into the bowl!NON-SLIP SILICONE BOTTOMS: The rubber on the bottom of the mixing bowls is for gripping and staying put which prevents sliding on the countertops when mixing and also protects the desk from high temperatures. ATTENTION: The stainless steel bowls needs to be cleaned in time after use, to avoid excess stains caused by rust, especially oil stainsNESTING BOWLS & DISHWASHER SAFE: These kitchen serving bowls can be nested together and offer space-efficient storage in neat kitchen cupboards. The mirrored interior makes cleaning a breeze, This mixing bowl set also is dishwasher-safe, just put it in the dishwasher after use, and you will get a new bowl set. But pay attention that the lid is suitable for hand washing, as the heat of the dishwasher can warp them6 SIZES BOWLS & EXTRA KITCHEN TOOLS SET The range of sizes from 7QT down to 1QT. Each bowl comes with a QT label to make it easier to choose the right size, Bowl sizes fit on standard-size refrigerator shelves and cabinets. Comes with a brush, spatula, whisk, measuring spoonsDURABLE STAINLESS STEEL: The stainless steel construction is durable. This bowl set is constructed of a mirror-finish interior and matte-finish exterior ensuring dent resistance and rustproof. Food-grade stainless steel will not corrode or produce spots after long time use, please attention that after each cleaning, it is necessary to dry the inside with a cloth to prevent the corrosion of the remaining water on the bowl

2025-01-11 05:09:47

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