해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
14K Gold Plated Opal Necklace - Dainty Square Pendant, 6x6mm October Birthstone White Opal Gemstone - Handmade Bridal Wedding Jewelry for Brides and Classy Women

상품번호 B0C9R41SB8
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상품가격 $37.00
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Exquisite Opal Pendant: Enhance your attire with the exquisite beauty of our opal square pendant, meticulously crafted in 14K Gold Plated. The captivating opal gemstone captivates with its unique hues, turning heads with its dreamy charm.Sparkling 14K Gold Plated: Admire the enchanting combination of our opal pendant and 14K Gold Plated chain. The sparkling silver setting beautifully complements the opal\'s colors, creating a mesmerizing and elegant piece.Effortless Style for Any Occasion: Discover your signature pendant. Whether attending formal events or going about your daily routine, the vintage-inspired design of our opal pendant effortlessly enhances any ensemble, making it a versatile and complementary accessory.Craftsmanship and Quality: Experience the epitome of quality with our opal square pendant. Meticulously handcrafted and made with premium materials, including 14K Gold Plated, it reflects our commitment to skilled artistry, classic designs, and your utmost satisfaction.A Thoughtful Gift: Wrap your loved one in care and beauty with an opal jewelry piece from Adita Jewels. Opal is believed to bring luck and positive energy as its colors change with the refraction of light. This pendant makes a meaningful gift for occasions like Mother\'s Day, October birthdays, anniversaries, bridal showers, or weddings.
Complete your look with a unique yet timeless touch. You’re sure to love your own handcrafted Square Necklace from Adita Gold!

2024-06-05 06:38:12

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