해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
jiexi 5 Piece Dining Table Set, 55'' to 71'' Extendable Rectangular Dining Table with 4 PU Dining Chairs for 4-6, Modern MDF Kitchen Table for Kitchen, Dining Room

상품번호 B0C9T8C15C
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상품가격 478.99
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【Dining Table style】JIEXI dining table is constructed of oak color with MDF to bring rustic style to your dining room.The 4 metal legs are highly supportive, making the table sturdy and reliable for long-term use. With upholstered dining chairs, it is both beautiful and practical, a good choice for family gatherings or parties.【Dining room table for 4-6】Dining table measures 55\'\'W x 35.4\'\'D x 30.1\'\'H, it can be extended from 55\'\' to 71\'\' when you take out the extension leaf in the middle, seats for 4 to 6 people comfortably. The extended function of this dining table make entertaining a breeze.【7 Piece Set Design】This dining table set includes 1 dining table and 6 dining chairs in 5 packages for shipping. The table top is very easy to clean and maintain, 1.57 inches thick table top plate can be used for a long time without warping, the dining table is made of MDF material is very safe.【Ergonomic Dining Chair】The upholstered leather dining chairs are made from high quality leather, foam and sturdy metal legs. The comfortable backrest syncs with the natural curve of your spine to help you sit comfortably every time, plus the wide seat is great for extra comfort.【Instructions and Notes】The extendable dining table comes with detailed instruction manual, all necessary tools and fitting pack as well. We recommend that two people install the dining table together .NOTE: the legs pad needs some few times to adjust to keep the table stable, and the tabletop extend also need to adjust.

2024-09-05 09:28:23

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