해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
925 Sterling Silver White Opal Bracelet for Women - 4mm Round Beads - Sterling Silver Adjustable 16-18cm Chain - Silver Bracelets for Women - Perfect October Birthstone Bracelets Gift

상품번호 B0C9Y3S5VJ
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상품가격 $49.00
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Stunning Design: This 925 sterling silver birthstone bracelet features 4mm round white opal beads. Silver bracelets for women is a great option for gifting opal jewelry.Adjustable Fit: With a 16-18cm adjustable chain, this white opal bracelets for women in sterling silver offers a comfortable and versatile fit for any wrist size.Expert Craftsmanship: Made with durable 925 sterling silver, this opal bracelets for women sterling silver is designed to last, making it a great choice opal jewelry for everyday wear.Elegant Opal Jewelry: This opal bracelets for women sterling silver features a radiant white opal, making it a standout accessory. Perfect birthstone bracelets for women born in October, simply adding sophistication to any outfit.Luxurious Opal Jewelry: Experience the radiant allure of white opal bracelets for women sterling silver at an affordable price. Discover sterling silver birthstone bracelet, designed for women who appreciate luxury of opal jewelry.
Discover the timeless elegance of our 925 Sterling Silver White Opal Round Beads Bracelet, featuring 4mm opal beads that exude a subtle yet captivating charm. The 16-18cm length ensures a perfect fit, making this bracelet a versatile accessory for any wrist size. With its shimmering opal beads and high-quality sterling silver construction, this bracelet offers both style and durability, making it an ideal choice for everyday wear and special occasions alike. Our silver bracelets for women are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that each piece is both beautiful and long-lasting. The white opal beads in this bracelet are carefully selected for their exceptional quality and stunning play of colors. This white opal bracelet for women is perfect for those who appreciate the unique beauty of real opal jewelry, offering a timeless accessory that can be worn and treasured for years to come. Birthstone bracelets for women are a popular choice for those looking to add a personal touch to their jewelry collection. The white opal is the birthstone for October, making this bracelet an ideal gift for those born in that month. An October birthstone bracelet carries special significance and makes a thoughtful and meaningful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or other important milestones. This bracelet birthstones for mother\'s piece is also a wonderful choice for Mother\'s Day, offering a sentimental and stylish gift that any mother would love The delicate design of this bracelets for women birthstone makes it suitable for layering with other pieces or wearing on its own for a more understated look. Whether you\'re searching for the perfect birthstone bracelet for women or a unique piece of opal jewelry, this white opal bracelet is sure to become a cherished addition to your collection.

2024-09-28 19:13:24

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