해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
XGIMI HORIZON Ultra 4K Laser Projector, Dolby Vision, Dual Light, ISA 3.0, 2300 ISO Lumens, Android TV 11, 2x12w Harman Kardon, Optical Zoom - Home Theater Projector with WiFi and Bluetooth

상품번호 B0CB36K662
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상품가격 $1,699.00
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4K Projector with Dolby Vision: The world\'s first 4K long throw projector with Dolby Vision. Thanks to ultra-vivid colors, sharper contrast, and richer details, our smart projector will easily immerse you in the theatrical and unforgettable world of Dolby Vision.Dual Light Technology: Experience exceptional image quality thanks to an ingenious combination of LED and Laser light sources. With an accurate color accuracy, ultra-high brightness, and a vast color gamut, HORIZON Ultra delivers visuals that are beyond belief.Bright 2300 ISO Lumens: With an impressive brightness of 2300 ISO lumens, HORIZON Ultra delivers exceptional image quality in any lighting environment, whether you\'re watching your favorite shows during the day or hosting a movie night under the stars.New Intelligent Screen Adaption 3.0: Featuring a new era of environmental adaptability, HORIZON Ultra adjusts to wall colors, optimizes screen correction, lossless zoom, and protects your eyes smoother than ever.Endless Entertainment with Android TV 11.0: Equipped with the latest Android TV 11, enjoy a world of entertainment, from immersive movie marathons to fun-filled gaming adventures, all in the comfort of your own space.

2024-02-13 10:46:37

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