해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Uyiton Compatible with iPhone 15 Pro/iPhone 15 Pro Max Camera Lens Protector, [Not Easy to Break][Strong Adsorption][Case-Friendly] Metal Tempered Glass Rear Camera Screen Cover - Black Titanium

상품번호 B0CB39J7GS
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상품가격 $15.99
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4th Gen Upgraded Protection: Quality is still the first priority, Uyiton iPhone 15 pro / iPhone 15 Pro Max camera lens protector has been upgraded to the 4th-generation integrated version, and the outer frame uses upgraded aluminum alloy, plus an electroplated sapphire super hard AF film camera protector screen. It greatly enhances the shooting clearness, texture, protection, and durability of our camera coverOriginal Image Straight Out: The high transmittance sapphire material is equipped with AR anti-reflection technology, which fundamentally solves the problem of photo glare. It makes our iPhone 15 Pro / iPhone 15 Pro Max camera protector not affect the imaging, comes out clearer and more focused, and does not affect the picture quality when using the flash for the rear cameraHard-Wearing and Strong Protection: Uyiton for 15 Pro / 15 Pro Max camera lens protector is made of sapphire material and aluminum alloy material, effective decomposition of impact, comprehensive protection of the phone lens does not shatter, more scratch resistance, and is more wear-resistant. Upgraded materials and sturdy construction give it the same texture as the original phone lens while providing strong protectionFully Fitted Structure: 1:1 original lens size full coverage of iPhone 15 Pro / iPhone 15 Pro Max phone lens, innovative appearance design, the sticker adds 0.15mm thickness to keep your iPhone 15 Pro Max camera lens as original as possible after installation. The upgraded nano-waterproof adhesive layer with reinforced glue greatly enhances its adsorption capacity. These optimizations reduce the current problem of the iPhone 15 Pro/ iPhone 15 Pro Max camera protector easily falling offEasy Installation and Lifetime Service: It is easy to install the camera lens protector iPhone 15 Pro Max / 15 Pro, and an installation video is provided that is easy for you to install the camera screen protector iPhone 15 Pro Max. Uyiton camera lens protector only for iPhone 15 Pro/15 Pro Max camera lens, compatible with 99% case. If you have any questions before or after your purchase, just simply contact us, We will deal with it as soon as possible

2024-10-01 04:37:49

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