해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
LOSTHORIZON Air & Foam Camping Mattress, Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad, 4.5" Thick, with Pump Sack, Cot

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상품가격 $98.49
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【Superior Support and Comfort】This Sleeping Pad boasts a 4.5-inch thickness and 5.5-pound foam filling, delivering unparalleled support and comfort. With a weight capacity of up to 220 pounds, this sleeping pad accommodates a variety of body types. Its unique internal structure ensures even distribution of air and foam throughout the pad, effectively reducing pressure points and providing a good night\'s sleep. Please note that this pad is not recommended for backpacking.【Adjustable Softness】This mattress utilizes a unique combination of foam and air, making it fully adjustable for personalized softness and support. This means you can easily adjust the pad\'s comfort to your liking, allowing for the best sleeping experience. Compared to single-material sponge or memory foam pads, this sleeping pad offers a higher level of personalization and comfort.【Silent and Stable Support for Quality Sleep】The mattress provides a stable sleeping surface with minimal noise, ensuring that your movements won\'t disturb your sleep or your partner\'s. Unlike other air mattresses that may make annoying squeaking or rubbing sounds, this unique combination of air and foam construction keeps you comfortable and quiet throughout the night.【Easy Inflation and Challenging Deflation】The mattress is incredibly easy to inflate, just twist the valve, and you\'re good to go. However, because of its bulk and weight, deflating the pad may take some patience. To solve this problem, we offer an electric pump, which you can purchase separately. The pump can be used for both inflation and deflation, making the process quick and convenient. Please note that stowing the pad may take some time and effort, but the comfort it provides is worth it.【Four-Season Insulation】This sleeping pad boasts an R-value of 13, offering exceptional insulation in cold environments and surpassing many other sleeping pads on the market. The 5.5-pound foam filling ensures comfort and appropriate insulation in various outdoor environments. Suitable for spring, summer, autumn, and winter, this sleeping pad provides a consistently comfortable sleep experience throughout the year.【LOST HORIZON HIGHLY VALUES CONSUMER EXPERIENCE】Our goal is to create high-quality professional outdoor products for outdoor adventurers, so we attach great importance to your experience and feelings. There is a 1-Year warranty with this product, so if you have any problems, please feel free to contact us and we will respond within 24 hours!

2024-09-06 12:58:13

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