해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SNODE AD80 Drop Resistance 80 lbs Adjustable Dumbbell Set- Exhaustion Training Weights Adjustable Dumbbells- Cast Iron Plates, Iron Cradle, Anti-Slip Metal Handle, Compact Design, Fast Adjust, Advanced Strength Training Equipment

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상품가격 $854.99
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Adjustable dumbbell 90lbs(80lbs with 10lb additional plates)- Sold as Pair. They will be shipped out in two separate packages.【Make more possibility】With 8 additional plates (1.25lb each, 10lb total), we are now getting our customers the 2.5lb increment.【Adjust weights in seconds】Turn the dial to adjust the weight. 8 weights set in one dumbbell, weight selection: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 lbs. SNODE Adjustable Dumbbells is to adjust the weight on both sides of the dumbbell at the same time.【High Quality & Durable】All major parts of the dumbbell are made of cast iron, which is durable and drop-resistant. The dumbbell cradle is also made of ductile iron, it is sturdy and has a strong weight-bearing capacity which means it will never get smashed by the dumbbell.【Unique Structure】The grip and the first plate are integrated to ensure that the handle does not shake/rattle. How we make it drop-resistance: When dropping, the stress-bearing is always on the first plate which we already make it really durable. Also the dual design of the telescopic rod and dovetail groove ensures the plates won\'t fall off during workout.【Dimensions】The lighter the weight, the fewer dumbbell plates, and the shorter dumbbell length. This is design to avoid unnecessary lengths that get in the way of your workout. Dimensions (Dumbbell Only): 18.11in L x 6.68in W x 6.68in H. Handle Grip: Length 4.53in, Diameter 1.42in【To Our Customers】Please follow the user manual and install the dumbbell plates as order. The brand new product has 1 year FREE replacement parts! Please mail our after sale email if any issue! SNODE makes sure the guarantee for customer service!

2024-09-29 12:38:50

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