해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Heng Long RC Tank 1/16 7.0 Upgraded German Panther G Infrared Combat 340° Rotating Turret RTR RC Tank 3879 Metal Tracks

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상품가격 $220.00
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NEW FUNCTION!!!Infrared combating system supports many players to combat in a tank war. 2.4Ghz radio control system, it supports many similar tanks combating together without radio intervening.Shooting 6mm BB pellets with cool hull-recoil action(hull recoil is not barrel recoil) and firing sound effect. Shooting range 20m.Turret rotates almost 340 degrees, barrel moves up and down almost 30 degree.7.0 mainboard provides 2 sounds for option, emulational tank lights of LED. Pivot steering. Plastic version comes with metal roadwheel suspension.Idle Smoking, when tank runs fast the smoke gradually becomes more, but you need to drop liquid into the tank(EACH TIME ONLY DROP ONE DROP)(please note maybe we can not ship liquid to some countries).
※Warning: Henglong Rc Tank Is Hobby Grade But Not Toy Grade, We Expect Our Buyer Is Capable Of Learning How To Maintain This Tank, Coz The Tank Parts Will Wear And Get Glitches In Running. Only Suitable For Players With Manipulative Ability, Please Be Cautious To Buy This Hobby Product, This Tank Only Suitable For People Age Above 14! ※The Package Includes: Tank Radio Controller Bb Pellets Infrared Combat Transmitter(Supporting Multi-Player Tank War) Infrared Combat Receiver Idle Smoking Generator Smoke Liquid (Maybe It Can Not Be Shipped To Your Country Coz Of The Shipping Rule, Pls Forgive It.) 1800Mah Tank Battery Usb Universal Charger Kits English Manual Book ※Metal Parts: Steel Gears Driving Gearbox Tracks Sprocket Wheels Idler Wheels Barrel ※Non Metal Parts: Upper Hull Chassis Road Wheels ※Main Features: 1,Infrared Combating System Supports Many Players To Combat In A Tank War. 2,Scale Appearance Of Real Tank.. 3,Pivot Steering. 4, 7.0 Mainboard Provides 2 Sounds For Option. Each Action Acts With Real Tank Mechanical Sound. 5,Like Real Tank Firing, Shooting 6Mm Bb Pellets With Cool Hull-Recoil Action(Not Barrel Recoil) And Firing Sound Effect. Shooting Range 20M. 6, Turret Rotates Almost 340 Degrees. 7,Control Barrel Up And Down Almost 30 Degrees. 8,Emulational Tank Lights Of Led. 9, Idle Smoking Like Real Tank From "Engine", When Tank Runs Fast The Smoke Gradually Becomes More, But You Need To Drop Liquid Into The Tank(Each Time Only Drop One Drop Or Else Break)(Please Note Maybe We Can Not Ship Liquid To Some Countries). 10,2.4Ghz Radio Control System, It Supports Many Similar Tanks Combating Together Without Radio Intervening. 11, With Steel Driving Gearbox

2024-07-09 16:08:18

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