해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Laptop Computers, AMD Ryzen 7 3700U, 8GB DDR4/256GB NVMe SSD, 15.6" 1920x1080 FHD IPS Display, Windows 11 laptops Computers, Ethernet Port, Backlit Keyboard, Support Type-C PD 3.0 Charging

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상품가격 $259.00
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[AMD Ryzen 7 3700U Custom Edition] Using AMD Ryzen 7 3700U processor (2 Core, 4 Threads, 2.40 GHz up to 3.30 GHz), multi-tasking runs smoothly, no lag, more powerful than Intel Core processor, making design creation smoother.[Highly Configurable Memory and SSD] 8GB DDR4 high-frequency memory with fast response time helps unleash better performance, and 256GB NVMe high-speed SSD with faster read and write speeds of up to 2000M/S compared to regular SATA SSDs. A 2.5-inch SATA hard drive bay is also reserved inside the notebook to meet your future expansion needs.[Attractive On-Screen Display] 15.6-inch 1920*1080 full HD IPS anti-glare eye protection fog screen, the display color is full and bright, and the picture can be seen clearly outdoors. 178-degree screen opening and closing, convenient for you to watch from multiple angles.[Well-tuned backlit keyboard] The well-tuned keyboard has very good elasticity, sensitive response speed, comfortable hand feel, no fatigue when typing for a long time, supports backlight, and can input accurately even in dark environments.[External Ports] 2 x USB3.0, 1 x USB2.0, 1 x Full-featured Type-C (Support PD3.0 fast charge, maximum power 65W), 1 x RJ45 network interface, 1 x Headphone Jack, 1 x Micro SD ( Supports up to 256GB ), 1 x DC, 1 x HD (Support HD output HD video), Built-in 2.4G and 5G dual-band WIFI, Bluetooth 4.2, and noise-cancelling microphone to meet your various needs.

2024-04-04 17:40:12

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