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TP-Link Tapo Matter Smart Dimmer Switch: Voice Control w/Siri, Alexa & Google Assistant, UL Certified, Timer & Schedule, Easy Guided Install, Neutral Wire Required, Single Pole, Tapo S505D(2-Pack)

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【Matter: All-Round Compatibility】With Matter, users are no longer tied to specific platforms and works with all certified smart home platforms, such as Apple Home, Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Samsung SmartThings. You can control all your smart home devices from a single app, reducing the need for multiple apps for different devices.【Matter: Smooth LAN Control】With Matter, all devices in your LAN communicate efficiently, even if your internet goes offline. A direct device-to-device interaction eliminates the need for a \'forwarding\' device. For instance, a Matter switch or sensor can control a Matter bulb without any cloud service. Once set up, direct communication between Matter devices on your local network is easily achieved.【Matter: Multi-Admin】Matter also allows you to control devices via multiple smart home systems at the same time through its Multi-Admin feature. That means you can turn on your lights from the SmartThings app on a Samsung smartphone, dim them by asking Alexa on an Amazon Echo speaker, and then turn them off from the Apple Home app on an iPad.【Smart Dimming】Adjusting the light dimming range from 1% to 100% will be a breeze for you, whether you choose to do so by moving your finger up and down, through the app, or via voice commands.【Easy Guided Install】Neutral wire is required for this standard wall plate size WiFi light switch. No need to understand complex switch wiring or master vs auxiliary switch configuration. The Tapo App guides you through easy step by step installation. Need 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection.
Introducing the TP-Link Tapo Matter Smart Dimmer Switch Tapo S505D! With Matter certification, it\'s compatible with all major smart home platforms - Apple Home, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Samsung SmartThings. Enjoy smooth LAN control, Multi-Admin access, easy guided install, and voice control. Monitor and control from anywhere with advanced scheduling and timer options. Plus, trust in Tapo\'s reliability and UL certification with a 2-year warranty.

2025-01-09 08:25:11

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