해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TRQ Front Suspension Knuckle Assembly Kit Compatible with 2011-2014 Ford F150 Truck AWD All Wheel Drive 515142 698-204 698-205 AL3Z3K185B AL3Z3K186B SP550219 BL3Z-1104-A BR930790

상품번호 B0CBP72ZP4
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상품가격 $399.95
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TRQ products are covered by a 2-year / 24,000-mile warranty. Warranties cover the cost of products only and do not cover any damage, labor, or any other inconveniences incurred.  Reference Number(s): 515142,698204,698205,AL3Z3K185B,AL3Z3K186B,BL3Z1104A,BR930154K,BR930790,CL3Z1104A,CL3Z1104E,HUB171,HUB228,HUB65,SP550219Quantity: 4 Piece
4 Piece Suspension Knuckle Assembly Kit Fitment Compatible with: 2011-14 Ford F150 Truck XL 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2011-14 Ford F150 Truck XLT 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2011-13 Ford F150 Truck FX4 4 Wheel Drive Front Compatible with: 2011-13 Ford F150 Truck King Ranch 4 Wheel Drive Front Compatible with: 2011-13 Ford F150 Truck Lariat 4 Wheel Drive Front Compatible with: 2011-13 Ford F150 Truck Platinum 4 Wheel Drive Front Compatible with: 2011-13 Ford F150 Truck STX 4 Wheel Drive Front Compatible with: 2013 Ford F150 Truck Limited 4 Wheel Drive Front Compatible with: 2014 Ford F150 Truck FX4 Front Compatible with: 2014 Ford F150 Truck King Ranch 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2014 Ford F150 Truck Lariat 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2014 Ford F150 Truck Limited 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2014 Ford F150 Truck Platinum 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2014 Ford F150 Truck STX 4 Wheel Drive without Heavy Duty Package Front Compatible with: 2011 Ford F150 Truck Lariat Limited 4 Wheel Drive Front Kit Includes (2) Front Steering Knuckles (2) Front Wheel Bearing & Hub Assemblies Product Attributes Quantity: 4 Piece Reference Numbers 515142, 538-00251, 698-204, 698-205, AL3Z3K185B, AL3Z3K186B, BL3Z-1104-A, BR930154K, BR930790, CL3Z-1104-A, CL3Z-1104-E, HUB-171, HUB-228, HUB-65, SP550219

2024-07-09 15:20:10

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