해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Night Owl 2-Way Audio 12 Channel DVR Video Home Security Camera System with (6) Wired 2K HD Indoor/Outdoor Deterrence Cameras and 1TB Hard Drive (Add up to 2 More Wired and 4 Wi-Fi Cameras)

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상품가격 $429.99
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Capture Key Recordings with Clarity: It’s clear, video quality matters. Reliably capture what’s happening around your home or business with crisp 2K resolution. 2-Way Audio Communication: Your system has innovative 2-Way Audio so you can communicate with anyone as they approach your cameras. Easily upgrade your outdated DVR system using your current cabling, or the cables we provide, to start seeing and hearing what is going on.Immediate Alerts for Fast Response: Instantly receive key alerts to your mobile device when your cameras detect humans and vehicles as they arrive and depart. Also, you can send preset voice alerts and a siren from the app to the camera to keep intruders at bay.Free Mobile App with No Hidden Fees: Our security is designed for your mobile lifestyle. Easily access your cameras from anywhere with zero post-purchase fees or hidden costs.Private Data with Secured Connection: Your privacy matters. All recordings and data are stored on your recorder’s hard drive via secure wired connection (CCTV) with no Internet required. You control who has access to your data.Maximize your Security Coverage: Need more coverage for your home or business? Easily add our compatible wired, Wi-Fi IP and doorbell cameras to your recorder to boost your viewing area. (Maximum number of cameras will vary by model)

2024-09-29 16:10:56

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고객센터 : 031-698-2301
상담가능시간 : 월요일 ~ 금요일 10:00 ~ 17:00
점심시간 : 12:00 ~ 13:00 / 토,일,공휴일 휴무
법인명 : (주)카고맥스 | 대표이사 : 허승철
사업자등록번호 : 501-87-00144 | 특별통관대상지정번호 : 20050101
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