해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Liberty LS-930-5’x30" (60” x 30”) Cage System Portable Livestock Animal Weighing Scale

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상품가격 $1,499.00
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✔HEAVY-DUTY LIVESTOCK SCALE: Our Liberty LS-930 Cattle Scales are designed to bring accurate weighing solutions. The scale base carries a diamond plate surface which creates stability for the animal. This highly recommended scale is capable of handling up to 10,000 lbs Capacity with 1 lb Accuracy. It is heavily constructed and comes with all the accessories, such as an indicator, connection cable, Casters, and Cage. Also, it comes with two ramps on both sides for easy weighing.✔ACCURATE & DURABLE: Liberty Cattle Scales are extremely durable arms that could be used for weighing sheep, cattle, or horses while keeping them in the cage. It comes with swivel casters for easy moving. Casters can be removed when needed. On two casters, there is a brake that keeps the scale stable when weighing. There is a hand wrench for raising and lowering the scale. The indicator carries pre-programmed fast capture weighing functions, to accommodate timing in the weighing process.✔ HIGH-QUALITY INDICATOR: A high-quality weight indicator (LS-7510-SS) with an easy-to-read LCD or LED screen with a 1" Tall backlit display is included. There are 4 weighing modes, Gross/Tare/Pre-Set Tare/Zero and it is NON-NTEP. It Displays up to 50,000 graduations. Optional Rechargeable battery works up to 100 hrs. It has Multiple weighing units (lb/kg); (g/oz/lb:oz), Multiple Hold functions, a Splash-proof keyboard and display, Overload / Underload alarm.✔DISCLAMER: Actual product color may vary from the images shown. Every monitor or mobile display has a different capability to display colors, and every individual may see these colors differently. In addition, lighting conditions at the time the photo was taken can also affect an image\'s color. In addition, Color may vary depending on stock. Please contact us for availability.✔CUSTOMERS’ SATISFACTION: We are willing for the satisfaction of our customers because customer satisfaction is our first priority. If you have any kind of problem regarding our product, you should never feel any hesitation in contacting us. We will happily answer your question and will fully cooperate in solving your problem.
Liberty’s Cattle Scales are designed to bring accurate weighing solutions. The scale base carries a diamond plate surface which creates stability for the animal. In addition, the indicator carries pre-programed fast capture weighing functions, to accommodate timing in the weighing process. Our livestock scales can be used for weighing hogs, sheep, cattle, or horses while keeping them in the cage. It is heavily constructed and comes with all the accessories. such as indicator, connection cable, Casters, Cage. Standard features: Platfrom Size: 5’ x 30" (60” x 30”) Capacity: 2000 lbs Accuracy: .5 lb Great for weighing hogs, sheep, calves, goat, pigs & more! Comes with swivel casters for easy moving Equipped with a hand wrench for raising and lowering Casters can be removed when needed Braking feature on two casters to keep the scale stable when weighing Indicator Features: LS-7510-SS-C indicator with LED or LCD display 1" Tall backlit display Optional Rechargeable battery (up to 100 hrs) Multiple weighing units: (lb/kg/g/oz/lb:oz) Gross/Tare/Pre-Set Tare/Zero Splash-proof keyboard and display Displays up to 50,000 graduations Full Duplex RS-232 Serial Port Scale base: Great quality cattle scale for weighing hogs, sheep, and cattle Comes with swivel casters for easy moving Equipped with a hand wrench for raising and lowering Casters can be removed when needed Braking feature on two casters to keep the scale stable when weighing Built-in RS232 communication port Overload Protection 5-year warranty on parts Shipping weight: 343 lbs Shipping dimensions: 72" x 44" x 15"

2024-02-13 10:10:50

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