해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Golf Stand Bag, Golf Bags with Stand, 14 Way Top Divider Golf Club Bag with 7 Pockets, Cooler Pouch and Rain Hood, Dual Shoulder Straps, Lightweight and Waterproof for Men Women

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상품가격 $109.99
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14 WAY TOP DIVIDERS & LIFT HANDLES: Tired of organizing your golf clubs? BOBOPRO 14 way divider golf bag divided in 4 full-length wells keeps every club well-organized from tangling and easy to identify. The integrated hard rubber handles on the top along with a carry handle underneath the front, make it easy to get on and off the cart or car.RETRACTABLE & EASY TO OPERATE STAND: BOBOPRO golf bag stand legs are built of lightweight, anti-slip materials that are sturdy and durable enough to support the weight of the bag and its contents. To fully extend the legs and provide a sturdy base for the bag to stand on any ground, just press the stand mechanism towards the base. While lifting the golf bag slightly upward, the legs will automatically retract and tuck neatly into the bag.MULTIPLE POCKETS & RAINHOOD: With Insulated Beverage Pocket of cart golf bag, you may even enjoy cold drinks on the golf course. And the velour-lined valuables pocket will keep your phone, wallet, keys well-protected. Our cart bag also come with a Rain Cover / Dust Cover, so wet days won\'t be an issue.DETACHABLE & ADJUSTABLE DUAL STRAPS: This womens golf bag features well-padded and adjustable Dual Shoulder Backpack-like Straps provide a more balanced way to carry the golf bag compared to single strap. It fits your body size and preferred carrying posture, properly distributing the weight of the bag across your back and reducing pain. And it also can be disassembled when not in use.TEAR RESISTANT AND WATERPOOF MATERIAL: Made of a high-density material, BOBOPRO mens golf bag is moisture-proof, splash-proof, water-resistant and tear-resistant. And the zippers are smooth and flexible to use, every item needed is easy to access. Save your energy and enjoy golf time with BOBOPRO golf cart bags!

2024-06-06 22:46:53

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