해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RATED GREEN - Real Green Natural Kids/Baby Shampoo - Moisturizing and Soothing with Organic Chamomile, Betaine, and Xylitol, Allergen-free and Natural Fragrance - 10.14 fl. Oz. 300ml

상품번호 B0CC2NJYZ2
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상품구분 Baby Products / Baby Care
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상품가격 $25.99
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CLEANSE SENSITIVE SCALP AND HAIR - Baby shampoo is made with naturally derived surfactant and allergen-free natural fragrance. It safely and gently cleanses sensitive scalps and hair for baby and kidsFIRST \'NATURAL KIDS SHAMPOO\' OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED BY KFDA - This kids / baby shampoo contains 99% natural ingredients satisfied KFDA regulation for natural formulation and dermatologically tested for non-irritationORGANIC CHAMOMILE + EXTRA HYDRATING FORMULA - The organic cold-brewed chamomile juice certified by Eco-Cert and moist rich Betaine and Xylitol provide nutrients and moisture to maintain a healthy scalp and hair conditionCERTIFIED BY EVE VEGAN - Containing 99% natural ingredients, the most gentle and safe natural surfactant for sensitive scalp of our kids and baby. No Silicone, SLS, harsh chemicals, or harmful preservatives such as Parabens, CMIT/MITNO ARTIFICIAL - All Rated Green\'s hair care products, shampoo and conditioner, treatments, scalp packs, contain natural ingredients certified by Eco-cert and No harmful chemicals. We combine natural & cold pressed extraction for hair care magic

2024-06-10 21:29:57

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