해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
1Zpresso K-Ultra Manual Coffee Grinder Iron Gray with Carrying Case, Assembly Consistency Grind Stainless Steel Conical Burr, Foldable Handle, Numerical External Adjustable Setting, All-Round Grinder

상품번호 B0CC4LXF1Z
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상품가격 $259.00
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Foldable Handle - Solid and foldable crank handle for portability and space-saving convenience. Compact design makes it easy to carry and store.External Adjustment Ring - With over 100 clicks and 20 microns per click on the numerical dial, ensure 100% precision control for a fine or coarse grind. The intuitive adjustment setting mimics that of an electric grinder, providing ease of use.Specialized “K Burr” - Featuring a heptagonal conical burr, the K-Ultra is ideal for various brewing methods, ensuring excellence and consistency in performance. Unlock a bright and rich taste that is challenging to achieve with other grinders.Quick-release Magnetic Catch Cup - Effortlessly remove the catch cup by twisting, offering a larger capacity and spacious room of 35-40g for your coffee.Product Guarantees - The burr is calibrated and securely fixed by the 1Zpresso team, guaranteeing no wobbly parts or loose burrs over time. With an estimated grind capacity of approximately 100-200KG with general use, and backed by a one-year limited warranty, you can rely on 100% customer support.

2025-01-07 04:04:43

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