해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Aosom Kids Pedal Go Kart, Outdoor Ride on Toys with Adjustable Seat, Sharp Handling, Handbrake, 4 Non-Slip Rubber Wheels for Boys & Girls Aged 5-12 Years Old, White

상품번호 B0CC59PK4F
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상품가격 $159.99
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Easy to Operate: Our pedal go kart offers tight control and versatility with a handbrake, freewheel design, and reverse drive. Your child can safely navigate and maneuver in any direction.3-Position Adjustable Seat: Our kids go kart has a seat that\'s adjustable up to 2.25", ensuring a comfortable fit for children of different heights. It grows with your child, providing years of enjoyment.Smooth Ride: Conquer any surface with confidence using the shock-absorbing rubber wheels. This pedal car provides a smooth and stable ride, ensuring excellent cement, brick, gravel, and asphalt road traction.Pedal Power: No need to worry about batteries or charging. It\'s always ready to go. Let your child\'s imagination run wild as they power their adventures with the pedals. It promotes physical activity and allows for thrilling outdoor fun.Go Kart for Kids Info: Overall Dimensions: 47.75" L x 22.75" W x 24" H. Seat Dimensions: 13.75" W x 11" D x 12" H. Weight Capacity: 110 lbs. Certification: ASTM F963, CPSIA. Assembly required. Suitable for 5-12 years old.

2025-01-12 01:54:25

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