해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Artena Ramen Bowl with Chopsticks, 42oz Ceramic Noodle Bowl, Large Soup Bowl, Pasta Bowl Set, Big Salad Bowl, Deep Pho Bowl for Dumplings, Cereal, Rice, Dishwasher Microwave Safe, Gourd Design, Red

상품번호 B0CC9CZJ9S
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상품가격 $19.95
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【Pass SGS food grade test】Our pasta bowls are made of high-quality ceramic and high-grade glaze. Better bowl for your healthy life. Our bowls are microwavable and also freezer, oven, and dishwasher safe.【Deep & large & thick enough】 It is great deep bowls with chopsticks for ramen. They are large enough to hold a nice steaming hot serving of soup or noodles. They are perfect for salads, stews, pasta, cereal, fruits as well! These ramen bowls are big enough to add things to with room to spare. It is pretty sturdy, thick and not real thin like some of the cheaper bowls. The right thickness to keep temperature, the right size for a perfect bowl of yummy noodles. Keeps it nice and hot!【With wenge chopsticks】 Beautiful sturdy ceramic bowls, with a lovely set of wooden chopsticks. Selecting the natural wenge for processing, every detail of it was meticulously polished. The chopsticks are mellow, full and smooth, burr-free and gentle to hands. Maintenance method - Wooden chopsticks should not be exposed to the sun. They should neither be clean at high temperature, nor soaked in water for a long time. After cleaning, they should be dried with a dry cloth.【Handmade gourd design & unique reaction glaze】 Gourd design to make noodle bowls have a dedicated spot to rest the chopsticks. The surface of every pho bowls have different reaction glazing texture that makes these more interesting than plain white bowls. The colors of the soup bowls are crisp and clean. It is perfect as gift for housewarming, wedding, Christmas, thanksgiving day, birthday, and holiday gift. We hope that you can share happiness with your family, friends through our salad bowls.【Strong package & after-service】All Artena products have undergone strict quality and safety tests. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us in time. We will provide 24-hour pre-sale and after-sale services. If you find that the product is broken or other problems, please contact us, we will provide you with free replacement or refund services.

2024-05-16 00:46:42

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