해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ 12.4” 256GB Android Tablet, IP68 Water- and Dust-Resistant, Long Battery Life, Powerful Processor, S Pen, 8MP Camera, Lightweight Design, US Version, 2023, Mint

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상품가격 $649.00
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SCREEN FOR ALL YOUR PASSIONS: Be blown away by the large 12.4" screen*. There’s plenty of room to follow your passions, whether you\'re taking an online photography class or unwinding with cat videos. Dual speakers make everything sound amazingREADY FOR ALMOST ANYTHING: An IP68 rating makes Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ one of the only water- and dust-resistant** tablets on the market. It’s built to last wherever you use it, making it a great choice for first-time tablet buyersA BATTERY THAT KEEPS YOU IN CHARGE: With a tablet this powerful, portable and fun, you’ll never want to put it down. Go up to 20 hours*** with a long-lasting battery and get a full charge in less than 90 minutes with Super Fast Charging****POWER FOR EVER PASSION: The latest Exynos chipset lets you sail through your passions smoothly. Cross off your to-do list and unwind with that new cooking show. Whatever you’re doing, Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ makes for rich experiencesSMART TECH, BEAUTIFULLY MADE: Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ complements your personality perfectly. Plus, with a refined design that’s sleek and lightweight, you’ll be able to show off your great taste anywhere you use your TabPEN-POINT PRECISION: There’s virtually no limit to what you can do with S Pen. Write notes by hand. Draw a comic strip or mark up a document. S Pen features a responsive design that feels like you’re writing on actual paperTHERE’S ROOM FOR THAT: Keep what you need with up to 256GB***** of storage. That’s plenty of space for your favorite photos, apps and music. If you need more room, add up to 1TB more with a microSD card******CAMERAS BUILT FOR VIDEO CHAT: Collaborate effortlessly with a camera that automatically adjusts to keep the focus on you*******. Plus, with a large display that opens up to 3 apps at once, you can multitask while you video chatFILE SHARING MADE EASY: Sending and receiving files is so easy with Quick Share********. From cute puppy videos to large work files, transfer to and from your Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ in a snap — it even works when sending to non-Galaxy devicesTAKE CALLS FROM YOUR TAB: When you’re fully immersed in a project, sometimes you don’t want to stop to switch gears. With the Galaxy Connected Experience, you can take calls or texts directly from your Tab without interrupting your flow********
A universe of possibilities awaits with Tab S9 FE+. This versatile and durable device is built to stand the test of time. Conquer every task, from your passion project to your to-do list, with a powerful processor that delivers a reliably smooth experience. And when work’s done, kick back with hours of uninterrupted entertainment — the expansive 12.4" screen* gives you more than enough room to unwind with your favorite games or catch up on the latest shows. *Measured diagonally, the Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ screen size is 12.4" in the full rectangle and 12.3" accounting for the rounded corners. Actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners. **Consistent with IP68 rating, water resistant in up to 5 feet of water for up to 30 minutes. Rinse residue / dry after wet. ***Based on local, 720p resolution video playback, default video player (full screen), 162 nit brightness, earbud volume 7, Wi-Fi and mobile network off. Results vary with settings, usage and other factors. ****Requires 45W wall charger (sold separately). Use only Samsung-approved charger and USB-C cable. To avoid injury or damage to your device, do not use incompatible, worn or damaged batteries, chargers or cables. *****Portion of storage / memory occupied by existing content. ******MicroSD card sold separately. *******Only in 16:9 FHD resolution. ********Quick Share between Galaxy devices available with the following OS: smartphones and tablets with Android OS version 10.0 (Q) and One UI 2.1 or above, PCs running Windows 10 or later. Requires Samsung account and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection. Quick Share to iOS and Android devices available by sending shared link: individual files shared cannot exceed 3GB (for a total of 5GB per day) and link will expire after two days; requires a Samsung account and internet connection. *********Requires a Galaxy phone to have One UI 2.5 or later. Devices must be logged in to the same Samsung account and be on the same Wi-Fi network.

2024-05-15 20:38:01

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