해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
6 in 1 Montessori Baby Toys for 1 + Year Old, Infant Sensory Teething Toys for Babies 6-12 Months, Wooden Stacking Building Blocks Shape Sorter, Xylophone Musical Toy, Birthday Gift for Toddlers 1 2 3

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상품가격 $36.99
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6 in 1 Sensory Toy Set: Elevate your baby\'s growth journey with our meticulously crafted educational preschool toy collection! Including 5 Stacking Rings, 6 Building Blocks, 5x4 Wooden Stacking Toy, 8-Tone Xylophone and Infant Teether Toy. Delivering an immersive sensory journey that captivates your baby\'s curiosity and fosters innate exploration, nurturing fine motor skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilitiesSafe, Quality Craftsmanship: Places the utmost importance on your baby\'s safety, our creations are expertly crafted with food-grade silicone and ABS materials, ensuring their durability and complete absence of toxins, BPA and Phthalate. Each piece undergoes rigorous quality checks to meet the US safety standards, allowing you to make your purchase with absolute confidence. Perfect gift for Birthday Parties, Christmas, New Year, Easter, baby showers or family gatheringsSensory Teething Companion: The baby teething toy offers a rich sensory experience with 12 gnawing points and 2 distinct textured surfaces. Its vibrant colors instantly captivate your baby, prompting them to explore through touch and grasp. Designed to meet both physical and emotional needs during the oral stage. Produces gentle rattling sounds when shaken and a satisfying clicking sound when twisted 180°, engaging your baby\'s senses and ensuring hours of delightful playGeometric Shape Sorter: Crafted from premium natural wood and adorned with eco-friendly water-based paint, our wooden stacking toy boasts both quality and sustainability. With 20 blocks featuring 5 distinct colors and 5 diverse geometric shapes, it offers a dynamic learning experience. Preventing any scratches with smooth surfaces, reinforced pegs and rounded edges. Ideal for pincer grasp practice, color and shape recognition, nurturing creativity, and inspiring imaginationIn-and-Out Fun: The Early Learning Shape Sorter Toy comes with 6 colored blocks, each designed with unique shapes and crisp jingle sounds, providing a sensory feast for tiny fingers. Watch as your little one engages with the elastic bands, seamlessly sliding each shape in and out of the storage cube. This interactive experience not only enhances toddler\'s hand-eye coordination, but also exercise fine hand movements and stimulates a sense of spatial awareness with every slide and push

2024-07-10 08:05:31

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