해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
InnoView 2K 180HZ Portable Monitor, 18'' OD Gameplus 2560x1600 QHD 100% sRGB Portable Gaming Monitor with Kickstand HDR FreeSync Travel Monitor for Game Console, PS5, Switch, PC, Phone

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상품가격 $268.99
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[180HZ Monitor Born for Game Victory]: It\'s time to upgrade your gaming experience! InnoView 180Hz portable computer monitor, with lightning-fast ultra-high refresh rate, brings you smooth images without blurring. Equipped with Freesync technology, it eliminates tearing and stuttering. Built-in 7 front sight assistance modes help you hit the target on the battlefield and become a true shooting king. Perfect for gamers to enjoy games, also suitable for professionals to work, travel, and study[2k Portable Display & 100%sRGB Color Gamut]: Portable screen with 2560x1600 HD resolution, clearer than 1080P. 100% sRGB wide color gamut, HDR and 16.7 million color, the large portable monitor make you immerse in vivid colors and clear details, enjoy cinema-level visual effects anytime, anywhere, every frame is lifelike[18" IPS Portable Laptop Monitor]: Bigger screen, but still portable. 180HZ gaming monitor provides more viewing space compared to 15.6/17.3" monitors, very suitable for multitasking, whether gaming or office work. 16:10 aspect ratio allows for more viewing area than regular 16:9, because it provides more vertical space. Size-15.72"(L)x10.5"(W), thickness-0.2", weight-2.3lb. Please be sure to CHECK the dimensions before ordering, this will avoid unnecessary returns[Premium Thickened Stand]: The highly praised 180° adjustable stand is made of high-quality thickened material, which is not easy to accidentally collide or tip over. Supports VESA wall mounting (75MMx75MM) or hole-free hanging to save desktop space. Monitor portatil body is made of aviation-grade magnesium-aluminum alloy. You can also switch the screen view between landscape and portrait modes to get your favorite viewing angle[Widely Compatible Monitor]: With 2 Type-C and a standard HDMI port(Thousands more plug and unplug tests than mini HDMI port), it can be used with laptops, Mac, Xbox, PS5, Switch, Steam Deck, etc. No driver required. This 18-inch 2K 180Hz portable monitor requires external power for optimal performance. Please power the monitor. If you have any questions, please let us know (shown on the back of the monitor)

2024-09-30 15:26:31

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