해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Johnnie Walker Metal Tin Sign 8x12 Inch Decor Travel

상품번호 B0CCHTGV72
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상품가격 $14.98
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Unique Design - Our Leyeve tin sign has a highly visible design that is sure to catch everyone\'s attention. Its dimensions of 12 x 8 inches make it a perfect size for displaying in various places.Vintage Charm - The sign features artificial rust and scratches, which give it a nostalgic look. This vintage style adds charm and character to any space, making it a great addition to any wall decor.Superior Quality - Crafted from high-quality , this tin sign is durable and built to last. The rounded corners ensure safety while handling. It is lightweight, rustproof, waterproof, and weather-resistant, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.No Fading - The graphics and words on this sign are printed with UV resistant inks, ensuring that they won\'t fade over time. Regardless of exposure to the sun, rain, or other extreme weather conditions, this tin sign will maintain its vibrant colors.Easy Installation - This sign comes with pre-drilled holes in the middle, making it easy to install and hang. It can be effortlessly mounted on any wall or surface. Whether you choose to display it indoors or outdoors, it will stay securely in place.
Our decorative vintage painting metal tin sign is constructed from the highest quality aluminum material, ensuring its sturdiness and durability. The lightweight aluminum is rustproof, waterproof, and weather-resistant, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Safety: The rounded corner design ensures safety and prevents any injuries or accidents. Simple Installation: The sign comes with pre-drilled holes in the middle of the edge, making it easy to install and hang on any surface. Durability: The sign is highly resistant to rust, water, and weather, ensuring long-lasting use. It is also easy to clean and maintain its appearance. Unique Design: The sign features a unique and novel retro design that adds a touch of vintage charm to any space. The worn and rusted appearance gives it a nostalgic feel, making it a great decorative piece for bar pubs, coffee shops, man caves, and homes. It can also be used as an interesting and attractive decoration or a funny sarcastic gift for friends, family, men, women, and neighbors.

2024-07-10 17:10:51

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