해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Men's Traditional Cowboy Western Leather Jacket Coat with Fringe Native American Jacket Suede Beaded

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상품가격 $79.99
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Men\'s Traditional Cowboy Western Leather Jacket Coat with Fringe Native American Jacket Suede Beaded Cowboy Leather Jacket Good quality leather-wear. Classy and more fashionable look, slight color variations possible due to differing screen and photograph resolutions. Excellent Fringe work on the coat the jacket is made of top quality suede leather. High quality lining with pocket Excellent Fringe work on the coat Leather Import Premium Bourbon Suede Leather at a Not-So-Premium Price. Leather Riding Jackets Stand collar bomber jacket with adjustable belt, elastic rib cuffs and waistband to keep wind outside, waterproof real leather material keeps you dry in light rain, and as a windbreaker is good for autumn and winter days Lambskin leather is the soft, thin, most supple skin. A buttery texture and finely grained. Stretches well and tends to reshape after wearing - has a type of memory. Care Instruction Professional Cleaning only Classic Leather Jacket hard and not thick. This item is of superior quality and made of 100% genuine lambskin leather. Lambskin leather is the soft, thin, most supple skin. Size chart is attached for your reference. Size chart is prepared as per the standard measurements. Native American Jackets Suitable for casual, occasions like motorcycling, racing, biking, driving, running, hiking, golf, travel leisure, school, work daily, theme parties and etc. Unique Design: The whole dress is designed with flowing lines in order to get universal and easy fit for comfortable range of motion, and more suitable for body curve therefore a function of comfortable and durable Western Duster Jacket is made of high grade suede leather which is soft and comfortable. Fringes and excellent bead work. Excellent bones work and fringes on the coat High quality lining COCOBEEUSA

2024-10-31 03:13:02

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