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Google Pixel Buds Pro - Noise Canceling Earbuds - Up to 31 Hour Battery Life with Charging Case[2] - Bluetooth Headphones - Compatible with Android - Porcelain

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상품구분 Electronics / Headphones, Earbuds & Accessories
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상품가격 $167.99
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Pixel Buds Pro use Active Noise Cancellation with Silent Seal to adapt to your ear and help block outside sounds, creating a quiet foundation so your music can shine; and now they’re even better, with new features and colorsWith double the bandwidth for clearer calls, Pixel Buds Pro are the perfect earbuds for Pixel[11]Pairs with any Bluetooth 4.0+ device, including Android, iOS, tablets, and laptops[1]; and multipoint connectivity helps you switch between compatible devices, so you can go from listening to music on your phone to taking a call on your laptop[2]Pixel Buds Pro have custom 11 mm speaker drivers and Volume EQ to sound amazing at any volume[3]; the app tells you how loud you’ve been listening to music over time and offers ways to adjust to help you maintain your hearing wellnessGaming audio now reaches your ears up to 2x faster on average; when you start a game, your earbuds automatically switch to gaming mode, cutting latency in half[4]The battery keeps up with your life, with up to 11 hours of listening time, or up to 31 hours with the charging case[5]; you can charge them wirelessly with Pixel Stand or other Qi-certified chargers[6]Transparency mode helps you hear outside sounds in real time so you can be more aware of your surroundings, like when crossing the street; Conversation Detection pauses your music and your earbuds switch to Transparency mode when you start speakingAsk Google for walking directions, respond to a text, or control your music, hands-free[7]Pixel Buds Pro are water resistant, so you can wear your earphones during sweaty workouts or on rainy days[8]Please refer to the product description section below for all applicable legal disclaimers denoted by the bracketed numbers in the preceding bullet points (e.g., [1], [2], etc.)

2024-09-06 08:18:24

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