해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
FoodSaver Elite All-in-One Liquid+™ Vacuum Sealer with Bags

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상품가격 $259.24
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Food vacuum sealer keeps food fresh up to 5x longer compared to ordinary storage methods and prevents freezer burn to help you waste less and stretch your food dollar furtherFor the first time ever, easily seal liquids like soups, sauces and salsas with your FoodSaver Vacuum Sealer!* (*Liquids with a viscosity of 1.39 mPa·s or higher)6 custom settings including Dry, Moist, Liquid, Sous Vide, Marinate, and Pulse modes allow you to vacuum seal, preserve, and prep a variety of different foodsAutomatic bag detection senses when a vacuum seal bag is in place, and automatically closes and securely locks the machine so you can begin sealing; LED lights on SEAL button display sealing progressCutter bar and built-in roll storage make it easy to create custom-sized vacuum seal bags in secondsBuilt-in retractable handheld sealer is compatible with zipper bags and containers, perfect for quick vacuum sealing and marinatingEasy Bag Alignment and extra-wide sealing strip make it simple to perfectly position bags to avoid bag waste; dishwasher-safe removable drip tray prevents messy counter spillsAlso includes two 11" x 10\' vacuum seal rolls, 10 Easy Fill quart-size bags, 5 Easy Fill gallon-size bags, 5 precut quart-size bags, 5 precut gallon-size bags, 5 quart-size zipper bags, 5 qallon-size zipper bags, one 5-cup Marinate & Preserve container, a wine stopper, and a retractable handheld accessoryThis product contains Acrylonitrile, Styrene, Stainless Steel (Manganese, Phosphorus, Chromium, Nickel, Iron), Silicone (Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane)
Keep food fresh up to 5x longer* and vacuum seal like never before with the FoodSaver Elite All-in-One Liquid+™! For the first time ever, use your FoodSaver vacuum sealer to seal liquids like soups, sauces, and salsas,** in addition to proteins, produce, and pantry items. With 6 custom sealing settings plus a retractable handheld sealer, this vacuum sealer machine provides unprecedented versatility for fridge, freezer and pantry storage, and allows you to enjoy fresher ingredients, less waste, and fewer trips to the market. Convenient features like built-in roll storage and cutter bar make it easy to create custom-size bags in seconds, and machine automatically locks when it senses bags are in position. From meats and seafood, to sauces and soups, the FoodSaver Elite All-in-One Liquid+™ vacuum sealer makes makes food preservation and saving money easier and more enjoyable than ever before! (*vs. ordinary storage methods; **Liquids with a viscosity of 1.39 mPa·s or higher)

2024-06-10 09:43:44

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