해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PURRUGS Machine Washable Kitchen Runner Rug 32" x 70", Non-Slip/Skid Hallway Runner Rug, Super Absorbent Soft Area Rug for Kitchen, Hallway & Laundry, Rolled Packaging, Brown

상품번호 B0CCRF7JQ5
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상품가격 $69.99
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? DURABLE & STAIN RESISTANT: Our kitchen rugs are made of high quality polyester microfiber, ensuring exceptional durability, superb absorbency, stain resistance and colorfastness. This makes them a perfect solution for areas with high humidity or frequent spills, such as kitchens, laundry rooms and bathrooms.? COMFORTABLE & NON-SLIP: The high density polyester piles enable our kitchen rugs to absorb the impact of your footsteps, providing a remarkably comfortable walking experience. Additionally, our non skid kitchen mats feature strong non-slip TPR backings that keep them securely in place, minimizing the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Before placing, please make sure that the floor is clean and dry.? HIGHLY ABSORBENT: With countless polyester microfibers, our kitchen rugs efficiently absorb spilled oil and water. Cleaning up spills becomes a breeze with our washable kitchen rugs and mats, eliminating the need for extensive scrubbing of the entire floor.? PET FRIENDLY: Our rugs and mats are designed with your whole family in mind. Made of premium polyester cut-pile fabric with reinforced overlock binding edges, they are much less likely to get caught on claws compared to loop-pile carpets or carpets with serged edges. This makes them an ideal choice for households with furry friends, keeping your floors clean and your pets comfortable with our durable, pet-friendly throw rugs and area rugs.? EASY TO CLEAN: The stain and fade resistant polyester carpet surface can be easily clean by spot cleaning and vacuuming. For a deeper clean, machine wash separately in cold water, using mild detergent. Tumble dry, low heat. Do not use bleach or fabric softener. Our kitchen rug will not fade or wear out and will remain like new even after repeated washing.

2024-06-06 08:44:35

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