해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pair of Climate Control HVAC A/C Button Set Compatible with Porsche 911 997 987 Cayman Boxsters

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상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: cantondz
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $15.95
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Fitments: Climate Control HVAC A/C TEMP Button Set Compatible with Porsche 997.1 911 all models (pre-facelift version);987.1 Cayman / Boxster all models (pre-facelift version).Material: This A/C heater climate control switch is made of high quality ABS plastic, durable, with good pressure resistance and fall resistance,longer service life.Matching stock font of \'TEMP\' (some others font using different type and NOT matching the stock font)The parts are manufactured in strict accordance with OEM specifications,Stable characteristics, High reliability.NOTE: Please check the original manufacturer part number before purchasing to ensure the part is suitable. In case of product damage or receipt of a product that does not correspond to the actual product, please contact us as soon as possible. We actively help you deal with the associated problems.
Fit the following car models Compatible with Porsche 997.1 Gen 1 Carrera 911 Targa Turbo Climate Control HVAC A/C Button Set. Compatible with Porsche 997.1 911 all models (pre-facelift version) Compatible with Porsche 987.1 Cayman / Boxster all models (pre-facelift version) Product Include: A pair of replacement HVAC button Improved non-scratch surface Matching stock font of \'TEMP\' (some others font using different type and NOT matching the stock font)

2025-01-07 18:20:20

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