해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
iDealBed G4 Nova Luxury Memory Foam Mattress + 4i Custom Adjustable Bed, Pressure Relief Support, Cooling Temp Regulation, Advanced Silent Operation, Massage (Nova Firm, Split King)

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상품가격 $2,997.00
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NOVA LUXURY MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS: Featuring thermal gel memory foam for heat management and ventilation panels for continuous airflow, it ensures a consistently cool sleep. Skillfully designed for breathable support, it contours to your body, providing superior pressure relief by evenly distributing weight, reducing stress on crucial areas like shoulders and hips. Made with ultra-high-density foam, it guarantees lasting comfort and durability, resisting wear over time.(SmartTemp Cooling Cover) - Exclusive cool to the touch Tencel fabric blend infused with Aloe Vera, making it naturally hypoallergenic and extra gentle on your skin. (Natural Cotton Fire Barrier) - Crafted from eco-friendly natural cotton, NO fiberglass, ensuring your sleep is both healthy and comfortable. (ThermalRelief Gel Memory Foam) - Promotes a comfortable sleep climate with an advanced thermal gel that absorbs and dissipates body heat for cool, all-night comfort.(Air Adapt Reactiv Memory Foam) - Expertly crafted to provide breathable support. Its unique design promotes breathability, allowing air to circulate freely while conforming to your body\'s individual contours. (ResponsePro Contour Foam) - Designed for optimal support and pressure relief, it contours to your body, evenly distributing weight to ease stress on areas like shoulders and hips.(UltraHD FlexSupport Core Foam) - This ultra-high density memory foam resists sagging and compression over time, maintaining its shape with a consistently comfortable and supportive feel. (BreezeFlow Ventilation Panel) - Ventilated panel stretching across the entire mattress to promote continuous airflow and temperature regulation. (ComfortSeal Non-Skid Lower Cover) - Removeable machine-washable zip cover for easy care. Designed with non-skid grip material to prevent mattress from shifting.4i CUSTOM ADJUSTABLE BED - Powered by iDealBed Dual Silent Drive Alpha II motors and a robust steel design, 1,000 lb. lift capacity for durable performance. Customize your comfort with 80° head and 50° foot elevation, all wirelessly controlled. Relax with full body massage and the Zero Gravity setting, offering a weightless sensation. FEATURES – Massage, USB Ports, Under-Bed Light, 4 Presets (Zero Gravity, TV, Anti Snore & Flat), 3 Memory Presets, Backup Battery, MicroBead Grip, Retainer Bar.

2024-05-16 14:25:03

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