해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NoCry Tinted Safety Glasses for Men and Women with Anti Fog and Scratch Resistant with Wrap Around Lenses - Adjustable Temples and Nose Pads - 100% UV Resistant, ANSI Z87.1 Certified Work Glasses

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YOUR GO-TO INDOOR/OUTDOOR SAFETY GLASSES - Ever find yourself moving from sunshine to shade and struggling with the change? The G65 lenses have your back, filtering out the ambient light to ensure eagle vision, whether you’re working indoors or out!5X GREATER ANTI-FOGGING POWER - Unlock crystal clear vision with the top-notch coating on this protective eyewear: 5x the anti-fogging power and 2x the scratch resistance of your typical glasses, paired with an anti-glare shield for color accuracy.ADJUSTABLE, CUSTOM FIT - With lightweight design, fully adjustable temples and soft nose pads, these safety sunglasses for men offer a great fit and all-day comfort. Whether you’re pulling a long shift or driving into the sunset, they’re your go-to!ANSI Z87.1 CERTIFIED EYE PROTECTION - Built tough with wrap-around lens and a durable frame, these anti-fog safety glasses tinted offer unparalleled impact resistance. Meeting ANSI Z87 standards, they guarantee top-notch protection in any scenario.BUILT TO LAST - Backed by a lifetime warranty, these safety glasses for women and men are designed to be your trusted sidekick for years to come. We are all about providing you with products that stand the test of time.

2024-09-28 12:27:45

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