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CORSAIR SCIMITAR ELITE RGB WIRELESS MMO Gaming Mouse - 26,000 DPI - 16 Programmable Buttons - Up to 150hrs Battery - iCUE Compatible - Black

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상품가격 $129.99
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16 Programmable Buttons: Assign and perform every action and macro you need on 16 easy-to-reach, fully programmable buttons.Adjustable For any Size Hand: Repositionable 12-button Key Slider puts all side panel buttons in the ideal spot for your thumb, and the mouse’s contoured shape greatly reduces strain while gaming.Quick and Versatile Wireless: SLIPSTREAM WIRELESS offers a sub-1ms connection on PC or Mac with 2,000Hz hyper-polling, up to 2x faster than standard wireless mice. Alternatively connect via Bluetooth or USB to charge while you play.Up to 150-Hour Wireless Battery with Fast Recharge: Play up to 150 hours,* raid after raid, on a single charge, and fully recharge in just 90 minutes or less. *via Bluetooth with backlighting off.Ultra-Precise 26k DPI Optical Sensor: With a native 26,000 DPI, 650 IPS tracking, and up to 50G acceleration, the CORSAIR MARKSMAN optical sensor accurately captures even the smallest fast-twitch mouse movements.
Forge your own path, without wires. The SCIMITAR ELITE WIRELESS MMO gaming mouse equips you with 16 fully programmable buttons, for the freedom to lead the raid, your way. The patented 12-button Key Slider™ side panel adjusts to fit your hand, so you can play without strain or fatigue. Enjoy reliable, sub-1ms connectivity via ultra-fast SLIPSTREAM WIRELESS, with 2,000Hz hyper-polling to game with nearly zero wireless lag. Alternatively, connect to a multitude of devices over Bluetooth®, or USB wired to charge while you play. You won’t need to plug in often, as the wireless battery lasts up to an astounding 150 hours on a single charge. For MMO gameplay, the SCIMITAR ELITE WIRELESS enables you to craft your legacy.

2024-02-13 17:34:35

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