해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PAW Patrol, Ryder’s Rescue ATV, Small, Black

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ATV TOY CAR: No job is too big and no rescue is too small with Ryder and his ATV. Featuring authentic detailing and working wheels, Ryder’s Rescue ATV is ready to take on exciting rescue missionsCOLLECTIBLE RYDER FIGURE: This ATV vehicle includes a collectible Ryder toy figure. Wearing his signature uniform and helmet, Ryder is ready to save the daySUSTAINABLY MINDED TOY: PAW Patrol Ryder and his toy car are made from at least 52% recycled plastic. Kids can explore their imagination to create exciting missions with their favourite pupCOLLECT THEM ALL: Expand your collection of PAW Patrol toys for girls and boys with toy trucks, action figures, diecast cars, dinosaur toys, stuffed animals, board games, jigsaw puzzles and moreIncludes: 1 Vehicle, 1 Figure.EDUCATIONAL AND LEARNING TOYS: PAW Patrol preschool toys and toddler toys are great gifts for kids who like pretend play with toy cars, toy figures and playsets, as an alternative to dolls or train sets
Features ATV TOY CAR: No job is too big; no rescue is too small with Ryder and his ATV! Featuring authentic detailing and working wheels, Ryder’s Rescue ATV is ready to take on exciting rescue missions!,COLLECTIBLE RYDER FIGURE: This ATV vehicle includes a collectible Ryder toy figure. Wearing his signature uniform and helmet, Ryder is ready to save the day!,SUSTAINABLY MINDED TOY: PAW Patrol Ryder and his toy car are made from at least 52% recycled plastic. Kids can explore their imagination to create exciting missions with their favorite pup!,COLLECT THEM ALL: Expand your collection of PAW Patrol toys for girls and boys with toy trucks, action figures, diecast cars, dinosaur toys, stuffed animals, board games, jigsaw puzzles and more!,EDUCATIONAL & LEARNING TOYS: PAW Patrol preschool toys and toddler toys are great gifts for kids who like pretend play with toy cars, toy figures & playsets as an alternative to dolls or a train set. Description The PAW Patrol are on a roll in their rescue vehicles! Join Ryder on action-packed missions with his Rescue ATV! When trouble strikes, place Ryder (toy figure included) into the driver’s seat and roll to the rescue with real working wheels! With authentic detailing and realistic features, PAW Patrol’s beloved leader and his vehicle bring all the excitement of PAW Patrol to life. Ryder and his vehicle are eco-consciously manufactured and are made from at least 52% recycled plastic! Team up with the rest of the pups and their rescue vehicles (each sold separately) and help save the day in Adventure Bay! For even more fun and exciting PAW Patrol series-inspired missions, collect all the PAW Patrol movie toys, like the awesome Aircraft Carrier HQ and all the special edition PAW patrol toys for girls and boys, like the Mighty Pups, Aqua Pups and Big Truck Pups toy figures and playsets (each sold separately). Enjoy endless PAWsome adventures with your favorite hero pup in their signature vehicle! Contents Includes: 1 Vehicle, 1 Figure

2025-01-08 13:37:48

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