해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Propane Torch Head, Mapp Map Gas Torch Head, JS12000 Trigger Start Gas Torch Head, Welding Torch Fuel by MAPP, MAP/PRO, Soldering Torch for Soldering, Brazing, Welding, Searing Steak

상품번호 B0CCYBS8B9
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상품가격 23.19
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【Full Metal & Heavy Duty】Solid and Ergonomic Metal Handle and Heavy Duty design for Professional Grade Applications, Manufactured with Premium material and under the strictest quality controls.【Upgrade Ultra Turbo Swirl Flame】Our Propane Torch delivers up to 13,000 BTUs and heats-up to 3750°F with ease for a variety of High-Heat applications. Able to output maximum focused heat for large diameter brazing, welding, and soldering projects.【Reliable Ignition & Adjustable Flame Control】The Propane Torch comes with instant On / Off trigger ignition to help you start the flame quickly and safely, saving fuels when use. Reach to the Max Temperature with much shorter time and fewer fuel, Energy Efficiency at its Best. Adjustable flame knob makes it easy to size the flame for different applications with one hand.【Trigger Safety Lock & Flame Lock Function】Use the Trigger Safety Lock feature whenever possible to avoid unintentional trigger depression such as in the case of accidental tip-over. Pressing the flame lock can still keep the torch head spraying flames when releasing the trigger, without the need to press the trigger for a long time.【Multifunction Trigger Start Propane Torch】Propane torch can be used in connection with MAPP, MAP/PRO and Propane gas cylinders (NOT INCLUDED) for most projects, such as soldering, pinpoint heating, brazing, light welding, loosen rusty bolts, thaw frozen padlock, plumbing, jewelry making, metal works, also used as a fire starter, charcoal/fire pit lighting, searing meat and many more.【3-Year Quality Warranty】We provide the 36-month warranty for the propane torch. Once there is any quality problem within three years, we will replace the torch with a new one for free or refund the full amount directly. If you encounter any product after-sales problems, you can contact JAYICHENG support team at any time. Professional team is always on line.

2024-11-29 01:48:24

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