해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ski Gloves, Warmest Waterproof and Breathable Snow Gloves for Cold Weather, Fits Both Men & Women,for Parent Child Kids Outdoor

상품번호 B0CCZY3678
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Sport Specific Clothing
브랜드 Brand: Odtmger
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $18.99
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FleeceImported【ATTENTION】: Please Refer To The Size Chart To Choose Your Size.Choose One Smaller Size Than Usually If You Are Not Sure Your Size.【WARMER and DURABLE MATERIAL】: Snow gloves are made of double thicken locking thermal fleece, waterproof TPU and Splashproof outer materia, which are moisture-wicking, superior breathablity, warmth and comfortable. Resist the temperate under -22°F TO -4°F.【Waterproof Ski Gloves】: The insert waterproof PU fabric can prevent snow water permeating into skiing gloves. You will enjoy with it for any outdoor sports like snowing or rainning.Windproof Kids Gloves: The gloves make of composite five-Layer fabric prevents cold wind and snows outside.【Non-slip palm and Durable】The winter ski gloves have superior grip,non-slip soft PU leather patch palm provide firm grip,which help you grip things firmly when you are skiing, snowboarding, cycling,sledding, snowball fights and more.the winter ski gloves have zipper pocket, put your credit card, ID card,keys or other little things. Enjoy your warmly and funny outdoor activities.【Flexible Design Children Gloves】: Logo embroidery, skin touch and comfortable brushed microfiber fixed lining,ergonomic pre-Curved fit and removable wrist leash for flexible stretching of your hands.

2024-10-31 15:16:10

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