해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Giantex Wood Dining Chairs Set of 4 Walnut- Wooden Armless Kitchen Chairs with Solid Rubber Wood Legs, Non-Slip Foot Pads, Max Load 400 Lbs, Farmhouse Style High Ladder Back Dining Room Chairs

상품번호 B0CD211JWW
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상품가격 $189.99
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[Solid Rubber Wood]: All legs are made of high quality rubber wood that is natural and sturdy. As a result, each chair has a strong load capacity of 400 lbs. Moreover, exquisite workmanship brings a smooth and bur free surface and you can sit on the chair at ease.[Upgraded Coziness]: The slightly curved backrest features a ladder design, offering you enough support during sitting. What’s more, the large and cozy seat allows you to feel comfortable even sitting for a long time.[Modern & Simple Style]: The modern and minimalist style makes these wooden chairs a great complement to a variety of scenarios. Thus, you can place it in the dining room, living room and kitchen. Also, the dining chairs can be used in the restaurant, cafe, canteen, etc.[Easy Assembly & Cleaning]: Simple assembly is needed for Giantex dining chairs. With the detailed and illustrated user’s manual, you can assemble them quickly and easily.[Dimension]: The large seat allows you to feel comfortable even sitting for a long time. Dimension of each chair: 16" x 16" x 33.5" (L x W x H), seat depth: 16", seat height: 18".

2024-05-16 10:42:46

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