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2Pcs 8T2T-CA 8T2T-0101K-CA 12VDC 20A Automotive Power Relay 4Pins Compatible with 5L3T-AA

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브랜드 Brand: TC-Masterles
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상품가격 $11.99
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The 8T2T-CA Automotive Power Relay is designed to provide reliable performance and efficient power management for automotive applications.High current capacity: With a maximum current capacity of 20A, this relay ensures that your vehicle\'s electrical system is properly protected and can handle heavy loads.Easy installation: The 4-pin design of the 8T2T-CA relay makes it easy to install and connect to your vehicle\'s electrical system. No complicated wiring or modifications required.Wide compatibility: This relay is compatible with the 5L3T-AA relay, allowing for easy replacement and compatibility with a wide range of vehicles.Durable and long-lasting: Made with high-quality materials, this automotive power relay is built to last. It can withstand harsh conditions and ensure reliable performance in various environments.
Introducing the 8T2T-CA Automotive Power Relay, the perfect solution for your vehicle\'s power management needs. With its 12VDC and 20A rating, this relay is designed to handle heavy current loads and ensure that your vehicle\'s electrical system operates efficiently. Featuring a 4-pin design, the 8T2T-CA relay is easy to install and connect to your vehicle\'s electrical system. No complicated wiring or modifications are required, making it a hassle-free solution for both professional installers and DIY enthusiasts. One of the standout features of this automotive power relay is its wide compatibility. It is specifically designed to be compatible with the 5L3T-AA relay, allowing for easy replacement and ensuring compatibility with a wide range of vehicles. Whether you have a car, truck, or SUV, this relay is sure to meet your needs. Built with durability in mind, the 8T2T-CA Automotive Power Relay is made with high-quality materials that can withstand harsh conditions and ensure reliable performance. It is designed to last, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your vehicle\'s electrical system. In summary, the 8T2T-CA Automotive Power Relay is a reliable, efficient, and durable solution for managing the power in your vehicle. With its high current capacity, easy installation, wide compatibility, and long-lasting performance, it is the perfect choice for any automotive application. Upgrade your vehicle\'s power management system with the 8T2T-CA Automotive Power Relay today.

2024-05-16 01:59:23

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